here is the working schedule end up incomplete..
So I decided........ ^^
Second, I scolded by the fresh dept head when I make drinks at the back of fresh area.. Know what she said? WHY YOU BANCOR YOUR DRINKS HERE? HERE IS NOT PREPARATION AREA! So, I tried to talk tenderly since next week I'll be here again.. I said..Then? Where should I make this thing? I DONNO YOU!! YOU ASK YOUR GROCERY HEAD!! (I still doing my preparation stuff) Ok Ok.. After this okie.. NOOO!! YOU MOVE NOW!! MOVE NOW!! SHIFT TO OTHERS PLACE NOW!! Half way making my things she asked me to move..
Summore she said I pour the water here and there! C'on!! I just drop few drips of water! even I don't pour, your FRESH DEPT is the ever dirtiest I saw!! Guess what I saw? When they remove a very huge thingy which placed there for ages, there's alot of spoil vege and fruit and donno how many thousand big and small cockroach run here and there and all the flies!! Oh..How disgusting!
Third, when I try to asked about where to make drinks from the GROCERY head dept. I don't even could say one word. He open his mouth and start scolding me! WHY ALL THE SAMPLING CUP THROW HERE AND THERE..SEE POUR HERE AND THERE SAMORE! HOW TO CLEAN? WHY DIDN'T REPLENISH THE STOCK(others same company product but not mine product)? I said I'm only incharge for the xxx product others series product. CANNOT BE SO STRAIGHT!! YOU HAVE................................... =.= Ended up I asked nothing and just got scolded by him. Fine! This mydin are so crazy!! They like to raise their voice when talking to others. They like to use all nonsense nonsense rules to trouble others. Like... The security don't let me to wear my watch in.. Hello...I'm temporary staff! Do you expect me to buy your MYDIN WATCH?? sial! if I don't have watch and phone, am I gonna to ask customer whats the time now?
Finally, I can't tolerate any nonsense rules they tried to make me in trouble. The bitch liked to ask me when I out from the security.. Pergi mana? Firstly, I don't mind to tell her where I'm going coz of my innocent. But afterward not..I raise my voice back! She keep asking pergi mana pergi mana? I said makan, she said tadi makan sekarang makan lagi? C'on just now i out for half an hour and now half an hour whats the problem? as long as i wrote the rubbish book that you need! I said.. I PERGI MANA ITU PUN BUKAN PASAL KAMU KAN?? YOU BUKAN BOSS SAYA!! then just walk off! YENG!! HAHA!! and she still murmuring there.. I don't care! if you don't let me in to work! I can just tell my supervisor the security not allow me to work then I can CUTI! Mydin security was the busybody-est security that I met ever!
If this weekend is my first weekend I work as promoter, I don't think so I'm gonna continue work as promoter! No wonder last time a promoter got scolded by a head until she cried and end up not working as promoter. But I want to say the others of worker there are kind and nice even those bangladesh, they are nice but not the head that I mentioned. I even went up to mydin office the people there are nice too.. Just those lower dept head are so arrogant about what they thing they are.. Fuck off!
Bless me.. Next week gonna back that HELL PLACE!
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